Movie Reviews

Scrooge (1970)

What Genre Is It?


Why Watch This Version of A Christmas Carol?

Scrooge stars Albert Finney, Alec Guinness, Kenneth More, Suzanne Neve, Laurence Naismith, and Michael Medwin. If you are familiar with classic British stars, you are probably familiar with these talented actors.

Overall, Scrooge remains true to Charles Dickens’ novella A Christmas Carol. However, this adaptation is unique and illuminates this beloved story by combining it with many wonderful musical numbers. There is also an additional scene with Marley at the end of the film. (Note, for those who have not read this tale, this ending scene with Marley and Scrooge was not in the original story; however, it develops the characters even further while giving Scrooge yet another reason to turn his life around before it is too late.)  

Albert Finney

Albert Finney: Image From Google

Albert Finney was such a talented actor. While filming Scrooge, Finney was only 33 years old. With the makeup, change of voice, and stooped posture, Finney transformed into the old miser Ebenezer flawlessly. The fact Finney was also a young man gives us the added bonus of seeing Finney as the young Ebenezer. Finney’s portrayal of this Christmas character highlights Scrooge’s emotions. Starting with the angry miser who chases away children and demands payment from his tenants; to the loveable, dancing Ebenezer who wishes to make amends with his family and friends. It is rare to find an actor who can portray all the different emotions of Scrooge so beautifully and realistically that the audience indeed feels for Scrooge and hopes that he will turn his life around before it is too late.

Alec Guinness  

Alec Guinness and Albert Finney: Image From Google

All Star Wars fans are familiar with this name. Did you know that seven years before Alec Guinness played the famous Obi-Wan Kenobi character, he was Marley– Scrooge’s business partner? Alec Guinness embodies the spirit of Marley by showcasing the frightening meeting between old business partners, but also, by showing Marley’s friendship with Scrooge—as he warns Scrooge of the chain and fate that awaits.

Making Scrooge a Musical

Albert Finney and Kenneth More: Image From Pinterest

Perhaps, one of the reasons this film version stands out more than other adaptations is the musical numbers. Such haunting songs as “Christmas Children”, “Sing A Christmas Carol”, and “Happiness” along with many humorous, upbeat songs like “Father Christmas”, “I Like Life”, “December the Twenty-Fifth”, and “Thank You Very Much”; add to the telling of this beloved Christmas Classic.    

Behind the Scenes Fun

Here is a video about the making of Scrooge. The quality is not the best, but it is an archival treasure! I love how Albert Finney mentioned he took Dickens’ description about Scrooge’s eyes in order to make his portrayal of this character more authentic. Also, the film editing process described in this video is amazing. Can you imagine working with that much reel-to-reel film and having to piece together the film on that tiny screen monitor shown in this video? The dedication of these individuals to make a quality product is praiseworthy, and indeed, they succeeded; because nearly fifty-two years later, we are still enjoying this Christmas classic.  

Memorable Quote

Marley: You will be visited by three ghosts.

Scrooge: I think I would rather not.

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