Curated Movie Lists

  • Curated Movie Lists

    Top Five Dean Jones’ Film Recommendations

    Springtime means it’s time to compile a list of fun upbeat films, and Dean Jones is one of my favorite actors who starred in various fun family classics. Get ready for laughs as you make your way through my top five Dean Jones’ film recommendations. 5. Blackbeard’s Ghost (1968) Image From Google Steve Walker (Dean Jones) never could have imagined the obstacles he would face when he accepted the Godolphin College track coach position. Arriving in Godolphin, Steve decides to stay at Blackbeard’s Inn, a local hotel run by the Daughters of the Buccaneers—who are all decedents of Blackbeard’s crew. The night this unsuspecting coach arrives, the Daughters are having…

  • Curated Movie Lists

    Top 10 Doris Day Movies

    Who is considered one of the most peppy, fun-loving, and cheerful female actresses of all time? If you said Doris Day, you’re probably right. Doris Day entranced audiences with her girl-next door persona in musicals, comedies, and dramas from 1948-1968. Since Doris Day appeared in 39 films, it’s difficult to compile a list of the top 10 favorite Doris Day films. There are many films not mentioned below that are also fan favorites. Keep watching the blog for more information about Day’s other films. Also, for full reviews on the films listed below, keep checking the Movie Review tab. 10. It Happened to Jane (1959) Starring Doris Day, Jack Lemmon,…