Movie Reviews

The Birds (1963)

What Genre Is It?


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Why Watch The Birds?

The Birds is a fascinating story of intrigue, mystery, love, and secrets. When Melanie Daniels meets Mitch Brenner in a pet shop, she is both irritated and curious about this dashing man who seems to know so much about her. Hoping to cross paths with him again, she decides to purchase the love birds he was looking for and deliver them to his house in Bodega Bay. Little did she realize, the chaotic, bizarre events that would follow.

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After Melanie arrives in Bodega Bay, strange bird encounters begin. Birds start attacking the school, village, and farms. No one knows why the birds are upset, or why they are planning their revenge on Bodega Bay. The strange outside events will cause the main characters to examine their own lives, secrets, and motivations. Unanswered questions encompass this classic Hitchcock Thriller. The mood, atmosphere, and plot make this one of Hitchcock’s most unique pictures–rather than having a man versus man theme; this film depicts man versus nature.

Tippi Hedren and Rod Taylor have a wonderful onscreen chemistry. In addition, the lovely Suzanne Pleshette appears in this film as Annie Hayworth, the character we all wish would have been treated better. Jessica Tandy plays the mysterious Mrs. Brenner, and a young Veronica Cartwright plays the sweet Cathy Brenner, Mitch’s younger sister.

Behind the Scenes Fun

It wasn’t all fun behind the scenes of The Birds. Those familiar with Hitchcock’s mistreatment of Tippi will especially know this to be true. However, here are some enjoyable behind the scenes moments captured on camera.  

Memorable Quotes

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[Hears thump on front door.]

Melanie: Look! [Notices dead bird on porch.]

Annie: Poor thing. Probably lost his way in the dark.

Melanie: But it isn’t dark, Annie. There’s a full moon out.

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“Mitch, this isn’t usual, is it? The gull when I was in the boat yesterday, the one at Annie’s last night, and now…”

~Melanie Daniels